Renovation at Štefániková 3 & 4

The burghers adjacent buildings are originally built with several floors and cross. We tried to preserve all important time traces, taking care of the unified material language, respecting the principles of restoration. The history of the buildings dates back to the 14th century, with changes from the 16th-20th century. The new part adheres to the mass of the origin wing, as well as the steel structure with connection to the eastern object of the complex. The house at Stefanikova 3 is originally Gothic, with early Baroque style, rebuilt in the 1930s, extended by a separate southern wing. Objects cluster a number of different features, both semi-private and private and are linked in the attic.

Team: Sadovsky & Architects, Matúš Vallo

Oliver Sadovský, Marián Stanislav, Viliam Zajíček, Mateja Vonkomerová, Marcel Vadík, Zuzana Krejčírová, Elena Šoltésová

Typology: Public architecture

Year: 2018

Location: Trnava, Slovakia

Status: Built

Images: BoysPlayNice


Renovation Trojičné


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