Mixed use building 3B

The mixed-use object is designed as an extension, built to the blind wall of the neighboring building in order to activate the newly created courtyard. The object has 4.5m wide floor plan and is mostly one-sided towards the courtyard.

The height is preserued while the material is horizontally divided and creates a gradual increase of the scale from the house in Trojicne square. The contrasting morphology of the facade is moderated by the regular rhythm and the used materials. The surrounding structure thus preserves the natural character of the inner city fragmentation. The simple layout is vertically divided into a rentable space, office and attic apartment.

Team: Oliver Sadovský, Matúš Vallo, Marián Stanislav, Viliam Zajíček, Zuzana Krejčírová, Elena Šoltésová, Jakub Španiel

Typology: Public architecture

Year: 2018

Location: Trnava, Slovakia

Status: Built

Images: BoysPlayNice


Public Space Nádvorie


Renovation Trojičné